The Transformation of the Innovation Process: How Digital Tools are Changing Work, Collaboration, and Organizations in New Product Development – digital tools “not only do they affect output and process efficiency, but they also increase depth and breadth of the work of individual innovators, they lead to rearrangement of the entire innovation processes, enable new configurations of people, teams, and firms”
Why ‘Doing Well By Doing Good’ Goes Wrong: A Critical Review of ‘Good Ethics Pays’ Claims in Managerial Thinking – it has been quite an accepted idea these days that companies should do good as its good for their bottom line. I remember listening to a podcast episode from Econtalk a few weeks ago that touches this (which I highly recommend). Nonetheless, this AOM review is fascinating as it forces us to revisit our assumptions.
The creative cliff illusion – people assume that their creativity will drop over time. This study however demonstrates that this is not the case and that having such negative assumptions can be detrimental to performance.