Here are the interesting articles I’ve seen in the last 2 weeks.
The effects of university–industry collaboration in preclinical research on pharmaceutical firms’ R&D performance: Absorptive capacity’s role – study based on bibliographic, patent, financial and clinical trial data of big pharma firms. The researchers relate university-industry collaborations to firms R&D performance. Probably, not very surprising considering that big pharma is known to be reliant on public research institutes.
The contribution of Design Thinking to the R of R&D in technological innovation – in the past, design thinking has generally only been applied to the later phases of development. In the article, the researchers introduce the approach called proxemics which they say can be more useful for research (not intended to find product market). It has the following steps:
- scouting
- identification of interaction domains
- design of interaction scenarios
- ideation of interaction concepts
- development of interaction prototypes
Unveiling the role of risk-taking in innovation: antecedents and effects – very counterintuitive finding that having well-established innovation processes lead to worse risk-taking and innovation performance. Authors speculate that “innovation processes can include overly rigid gates and selection criteria, thereby blocking innovation ideas.” Instead, resources, support and clear goals were found to enable it.
Prospective collaborative sensemaking for identifying the potential impact of emerging technologies – I have heard of sensemaking in the past but never really looked much into it. Their article introduced me to the Stigliani and Ravasi (2012) framework on prospective sensemaking:
- Noticing and bracketing – individuals take environmental cues and determines whether these are worth noting.
- Articulating – actors organize information to gain a better understanding of the new situation
- Elaborating – group of actors interact iteratively to give meaning to the cue
- Influence – actors take the collectively created interpretation